
Friday 14 September 2012

Our Respected Director Sir...???

This is an example of how an odinary and peaceful night in MANIT can turn into stressful and tensed night. An XYZ company had visited our campus. Due to placements, shortlisted students for group discussion and some of their friends, who were helping them out for the group discussion, couldn't had diner at the night. The drama began from the main gate where the gaurds were not allowing us to go outside the campus as per the director's order. So, we went to the director's house.

It was around 11 pm, I think which is not that late to go and demand for something necessary. As some of the students started a formal and respectful conversation with director sir, a little raise in a student's voice (lets call him ABCD) saying "how can we sleep without food" made director say that "ARE YOU FROM BIHAR?" What a shameless statement. Even though ABCD was not from bihar, many of the students, who were present there, were. How did it feel to those students? If someone had objected that statement and had said something that would have offended our respected director, would this be okay with him??

Any of them, so called BIHARIS, didn't say a word, because our respected director sir was not even worth of those words. Those students had understood the narrow minded racist thinking of our respected director and decided not to say a word, because that was the best answer they had, becasue they showed that they won't react to any stupid statement made by any stupid person. Those students count themselves as educated people and many of them were placed too but didn't the statement from an over educated teacher cum director of NIT Surathkal and NIT Bhopal showed the way he thinks.

He (our respected director) had even said to ABCD that people form Punjab, as he belongs to Punjab, have no sense. Its not just about Bihar and Punjab its about the whole North India. I don't want to mention, but I have to, that our director is from South India, I will not mention the state, because people's manner should not be decided by their state, their color, their language. It should be  decide that by their heart. I know I am not that educated as our director is but I know my ethics and respect  them too.

At the end, I just wanted to say that we had gathered their for a necessary reason, but we came to know a cheap and narrow minded person who see India as North India and South India.

Saturday 25 August 2012

IBM, here you reject my friend.

Door knocked, it was 7:30 in the morning, my laptop still open, playing The Dark Knight. It was Anand, waking me up because he has to go for the GD of IBM. I couldn't able to sleep last night, however I woke up for him. He was very happy because he had cleared two rounds of IBM campus test. Anyone can notice the joy of it in his face and it was obvious too. He is one of the 9 student in Planning and one of 118 student from, i guess, 500 of MANIT who made to the GD round.

While wearing formals he was like "This is the first and last time I am wearing this. I don't think I will get another opportunity to wear this again". He borrowed my belt, I made his tie and we are ready to go. It was Saturday and there was bread in the breakfast. I ate four of them, he ate nothing, might be because he was nervous or he don't like bread, I don't know.

Many things happened before and after the GD, I don't want to indulge in that. Let me directly jump to the result. Praying for him outside the door of C-208 and he came with a dull face. That was a rejection. He was upset, everyone would be, but he was not that concerned. We went to hostel quietly, while many thoughts were going in my mind, which happens to me always. Some of them were:

1. I don't wake up so early in the morning for my own work and will never when I slept at 5am, but still I woke up for him. Does he will do the same for me?
2. He should get selected, he was so much into it. It was like a dream come true for him. Why didn't he get selected?
And the answer I get are:

1. You shouldn't expect anything from those people, to whom you had done something. You had done something for them because they have some value in your life. If you want something back then better don't do anything.
2. Sometime it doesn't matter you made it or not, you gave it a try, that is enough. And really he was happy because he cleared the first two rounds, that was enough reason for him to be happy.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Nothing to wirte..

          Its been a long time I had wrote anything in my blog. And after a lot of efforts, I found myself confused. So, I came to the conclusion that you should not always need a topic to describe yourself or anything which is happening around yourself, sometimes it comes naturally. I know, I am not that good at writing. I write because I wanted to write or I just love to give words to my feeling. Sometimes it also works as a technique to overcome my frustration. But the reality is I wanted to share my feelings, how I feel about anything that I met during my day to day life.

          Sometime I found myself very bright and sometime very dumb and irritating. I make people laugh sometimes and make them cry too. Sometimes I talk about the responsibility and feel ashamed when I did something bad. I had been called shy sometimes and shameless too. Actually its neither my fault and nor others. These random moments make your life perfect. It seems useless to many of the people, but in my case these sometime give you encouragement to do random things in your life. Doing new is a different and doing random is different. So just don't care about the world around you and let your thoughts fly.

           You must have thinking this is bullshit. But as the title suggested I had nothing to wrote but I have written something. And I think this should be the approach of anyone's life.We can make something out of nothing Don't think about the resources, just carry your work on and you will definitely achieve something in your life no one had achieved, if you use your resources very wisely.