
Friday 14 September 2012

Our Respected Director Sir...???

This is an example of how an odinary and peaceful night in MANIT can turn into stressful and tensed night. An XYZ company had visited our campus. Due to placements, shortlisted students for group discussion and some of their friends, who were helping them out for the group discussion, couldn't had diner at the night. The drama began from the main gate where the gaurds were not allowing us to go outside the campus as per the director's order. So, we went to the director's house.

It was around 11 pm, I think which is not that late to go and demand for something necessary. As some of the students started a formal and respectful conversation with director sir, a little raise in a student's voice (lets call him ABCD) saying "how can we sleep without food" made director say that "ARE YOU FROM BIHAR?" What a shameless statement. Even though ABCD was not from bihar, many of the students, who were present there, were. How did it feel to those students? If someone had objected that statement and had said something that would have offended our respected director, would this be okay with him??

Any of them, so called BIHARIS, didn't say a word, because our respected director sir was not even worth of those words. Those students had understood the narrow minded racist thinking of our respected director and decided not to say a word, because that was the best answer they had, becasue they showed that they won't react to any stupid statement made by any stupid person. Those students count themselves as educated people and many of them were placed too but didn't the statement from an over educated teacher cum director of NIT Surathkal and NIT Bhopal showed the way he thinks.

He (our respected director) had even said to ABCD that people form Punjab, as he belongs to Punjab, have no sense. Its not just about Bihar and Punjab its about the whole North India. I don't want to mention, but I have to, that our director is from South India, I will not mention the state, because people's manner should not be decided by their state, their color, their language. It should be  decide that by their heart. I know I am not that educated as our director is but I know my ethics and respect  them too.

At the end, I just wanted to say that we had gathered their for a necessary reason, but we came to know a cheap and narrow minded person who see India as North India and South India.